The zucchini pictured above is an AAS winner which is a great producer called Bossa Nova F1.
Prevention is the best method to eliminating the threat of squash bugs.
It’s important to keep a close watch and eliminate the threat of squash bugs at this time in the garden. Zucchini and other members of the cucurbits family are at risk for squash bugs. Cantaloupe, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash are all susceptible to the squash bug and should be monitored closely. The small brown eggs are laid in small clusters, usually on the underside of the leaf.
Manual removal of these insects at the early stages.
These eggs can be manually removed from the leaves. Check the underside of leaves frequently and remove any of the eggs that can be seen. Once hatched, nymphs have pear-shaped, pearly grey bodies with darker legs and antennae. They become darker and wing pads begin to develop as they grow. This is the best stage to control with insecticides, which include organic products. The squash bug adults have flattened, tear-shaped bodies. The are commonly found in fairly large colonies, with several different stages of development present at the same time.
Each year we raise food with is later donated to the local food panties. You can read more here.